Biologos Nutmeg Essential Oil 10ml Extracted from the fruit of the tree, by steam distillation. Composition: With a content (almost 80%) of Terpenes: pinene, sabinene and myristicin (toxic benzene derivative), ingredients that give the oil its therapeutic properties. Smell: Warm, intoxicating, spicy. NUTMGROUP - THE PLANT Scientific name: Myristica Fragrans. Description: It is the fruit of the evergreen tree of the same name, which produces fruits that resemble apricots. Origin: Native to Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Moluccas Islands. History: It came to Europe in 1512 from the Banda Islands via Portuguese sailors. It quickly gained fame and was widely used. NUTSHELL – THE “ORGANIC” ESSENTIAL OIL Technique: Extracted from the fruit of the tree, by steam distillation. Composition: With a content (almost 80%) of Terpenes: pinene, sabinene and myristicin, ingredients that give the oil its therapeutic properties. Smell: Warm, intoxicating, spicy. Country of origin: Indonesia